We are fast approaching
the dandelion days
when a weed with a noble history
us all
an important life lesson.
an important life lesson.
early spring to
the first icy touches
of winter,
dandelion thrives.
Some of us pull them,
cut them
poison them
the dandelion
keeps showing up
holding no grudge.
The dandelions are
just there,
us to observe a cycle of life
we wish were ours.
Who among us would not want
to survive,
to survive,
to thrive
to live until
like the flower
like the flower
our heads turn white, and lite
our thoughts are fluffy little stars
our thoughts are fluffy little stars
thoughts that could be,
would be
will be
swept up by even the most subtle
breath of breeze,
thoughts that scattered
in all the obvious directions
landing in unexpected places
in all the obvious directions
landing in unexpected places
Each thought becomes a floating reminder
that we have one unequivocal promise:
life goes on.
My 7 year old might be single-handily responsible for the propagation of all dandelions in the neighborhood. She calls them "wish berries" and blows on them to make wishes. Loves dandelions passionately, and I enjoy it, because I am not the sort to put poison on my lawn anyways...I had her read your poem out loud. I asked her, what did the poet compare the dandelions to... She said "life. That you say the seeds blowing away represent our thoughts"... that's my girl!! I'm trying to get her to write her own poem now. :)