Monday, December 3, 2012

Dog Years

They say a dog year equal 7 human years. 
In dog years am I 434 years old, or
am I 8.8571428 years old?
I can’t figure out if I multiply
or divide.  I guess, since I am not a dog
it doesn’t matter.  I do, however, get the
urge from time to time to bay at the moon.
I’ve lost the urge to chase after car tires,
even walking has lost its allure.  I do
still enjoy a good long tummy rub.  I could
learn new tricks for an ice cream treat,
and I still love to hear you call my name.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How to Peel A Peach

Patience:  start with the obvious,
and know there is no natural
separation of skin from flesh.

Have the right tool:  Having a knife
is not the same thing as having
a knife sharp enough to shave a peach.

It is not a contest--nor is it a race:  The goal
is to leave behind as much
peach as possible. Oh, yeah, expect

juice:  it will coat your fingers with 
something sweet, but as sticky  as
blood. Through all this peeling--remember

that the skin on a peach won't hurt you.
The fiber you peel away is actually a benefit.  
Still, you should wait to ask yourself:  

"Why do I do the things I do?"
Mostly the reasons won't matter.
Bad's good is often delicious.


I've lived my life like an empty
suitcase stashed in the back 
of a back closet.  I've always had 
the capacity to be filled, but I've 
not been filled.  I was designed
to go places, but I went nowhere.
My usefulness was, well, useless,
because you can't use less of what
was never used in the first place.
I've been stored away in a dark
place, longing for and loving light.