The sentence, "I can see that I am false,"
contains all you need for liberation.
~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Much, if not most, of what we think about ourselves is false.
. . . . the mind is neutral, equally capable of producing happiness or pain. It holds no preference for a cheerful expression over an angry one or vice verse. It is, however, true that the way the mind functions -- on either a limited or larger scale -- determines the way we live.
When it comes to thinking, I envision my brain as a basket, in which I place thoughts. If I fill the basket with negative, self-hating thoughts, then I am going to be negative and hate myself. The counter to all this is to fill the mind with positive, self-esteeming thoughts.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.~Philippians 4:8.
Think on these things that are positive. You don't have to feel positive to do this. In fact, at first, you will not feel positive, and I'm positive about that. You are considering the choice of positive thoughts verses negative thoughts because you are having "feeling related" problems. So naturally to begin this process you will feel like something greasy on a stick but you are purposely, and with determined persistence placing positive, good thoughts into your mind.
When we choose a fruit to eat, do we pick up the good mangoes or the rotten ones? It is the same in the mind. Learn to know which are the rotten thoughts and immediately turn from them to fill your basket with ripe beautiful mind state instead.
~Ajahn Chah
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