Friday, December 4, 2009

Why Should I Trust?

Like AA the first step is admitting you have a problem (i.e. I am closed off, guarded and have lost touch with my emotional life.)

Recognize that you need to trust again. Human beings are relationship creatures. Everyone needs meaningful relationships, and they exist only when everyone IN the relationship trusts everyone In the relationship.

You need to acknowledge that there are areas in your life where you already trust. If you find the trusting relationships in your life, you can build on that base and expand your realm of trust.

The more betrayal and hurt a person has experienced the hard it will be to trust, but even the most jaded, callous person generally trusts the waiter to bring him food in a restaurant, or the mail carrier to deliver the mail to his mailbox. Trust does exist in your life. Build on that.

Accept this fact: No one is ever going to meet all of your needs. Searching for a ONE SIZE FITS ALL relationship is doomed from the start. We all need a variety of relationships to address the variety of needs within you.

Do look for attractive, interesting exciting people to form relationships with, look for people who are trustworthy.

Keep the word GRADUALLY etched on your mind. Ease into a new relationship slowly. Trust in incriments. Open up slowly, like a boding flower, not like an umbrella. Sharing small confidences. If you are not betrayed, then share a little more.

If you are betrayed, then trust yourself to be okay. You fear to trust, you avoid being vulnerable, because you fear not being able to handle a betrayal. If you think you will be crushed by betrayal, you won’t risk relationships. If you can tell yourself and believe yourself about being ABLE to handle betrayal, that you will get through it if that should happen, then you arfe able to ease into relationships and learn to trust again.

The longer you hold back your feelings, emotions, and refuse to be vulnerable, the more you lose touch with your emotions. Over time, you can become so numb and closed off that you don’t even know what you are feeling. You can’t tell someone how you feel, because you have forgotten what feelings feel like.

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